Spring is a wonderful time of year. It brings a variety of unique organisms that remind us of the cycle of life. One amazing example is the microscopic egg that develops into a larvae (caterpillar), and eventually a pupa (or chrysalis) that continues to mature until finally a beautiful butterfly emerges.

Allergic Disease also has a life cycle, but not one that becomes better or more forgiving over time. Allergy is a condition that drives inflammatory activation in the immune system. For many allergic patients, this can lead to chronic conditions that ultimately worsen over time, a process many refer to as “The Allergic March”1,2.

For allergy sufferers, chronic exposure to certain allergens can result in new and more bothersome symptoms. For some, these symptoms may be self-limiting or easily managed with medication and/or avoidance. For many others, the allergic disease progresses and breaches other body systems, often leading to a steady deterioration in quality of life.

Allergy immunotherapy is a proven treatment that carefully re-introduces allergens into the body and re-educates the immune system to become less reactive and more self-regulating3. It is the only treatment option that can effectively turn back the clock on the Allergic March.

For many people with allergies, a full course of allergy immunotherapy can diminish their disease, with only an occasional triggering of mild symptoms. For others, allergy immunotherapy can provide dramatic relief, with many believing that their disease has been cured.

The chart below shows what is commonly referred to as “The Allergic March”. Early evidence of allergy can either be mild and short lived (e.g. eczema), or aggressive and potentially life-threatening (e.g. severe food allergy). Disease progression can lead to more debilitating conditions that produce a significant impact on quality of life.

Innovation Compounding has a team of experts that are dedicated to helping patients find relief from their allergies.

Contact us today to learn more about our allergy testing and treatment options.


  1. Wahn, U. "What drives the allergic march?." Allergy 55.7 (2000): 591-599.
  2. Spergel, Jonathan M., and Amy S. Paller. "Atopic dermatitis and the atopic march." Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 112.6 (2003): S118-S127.
  3. Cox, Linda, et al. "Allergen immunotherapy: a practice parameter third update." Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 127.1 (2011): S1-S55.