Spring is a wonderful time of year, but for allergy sufferers it can mean several months of misery. The main culprit is tree pollen which can fill the air and lead to runny noses, itchy eyes, coughing, and wheezing. The months of March and April are especially difficult since several kinds of trees release pollen in large amounts during this time of year.1

Fortunately, not all trees produce pollen that can be easily dispersed by the wind. Many fruit-bearing trees and ornamental trees are pollinated by insects and are less problematic for those with pollen allergies.

The following chart lists the allergenic trees that cause problems for most people with an allergy to tree pollen. Clinics that offer allergy skin testing should have these and other outdoor allergens on their panel to provide a comprehensive diagnosis for pollen allergy.2


Tree FamilyExamplesPrimary Pollen Months
MapleBox Elder, Red Maple, Sugar MapleFebruary - May
OakWhite Oak, Red Oak, Live Oak, Beech, ChestnutMarch - April
Birch/AlderRiver Birch, Paper Birch, White Alder, HazelnutMarch - April
ElmAmerican Elm, Chinese ElmMarch - May
Poplar/CottonwoodWhite Poplar, Eastern Cottonwood, Quaking AspenMarch - May
Ash/OliveWhite Ash, Arizona Ash, Olive, PrivetApril - May
Pecan/HickoryPecan, Shagbark Hickory, Black WalnutApril - June
SycamoreAmerican SycamoreApril - May
JuniperWestern Juniper, Eastern Red Cedar, Mountain CedarJanuary - March
MulberryRed Mulberry, White MulberryApril - May


If you are a patient with Spring allergy symptoms, ask your doctor if skin testing is available to determine which allergens may be causing your problems.

If you are a healthcare provider, visit our website to request more information about our simple and affordable training and start-up packages for allergy skin testing and immunotherapy.


  1. www.pollen.com
  2. White, Jason F., and David I. Bernstein. "Key pollen allergens in North America." Annals of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology 91.5 (2003): 425-435.